Importance and tips of caring every individual in the classroom

Importance and tips of caring every individual in the classroom Great teachers care more about their students. They care about their students hapiness, well being and life beyond the classroom. Investing yourself in your students creats a positive atmosphere in the classroom that enhances your relationship with the students and makes them feel important. Students too feel better about themselves if they feel that a teacher has taken a genuine interest in them. Especially with younger students , a caring teacher is comforting and helps make the transition easier. Each one of us has a vital role in the students future. We may think how to care about every individual in the classroom. Now tell me friends what you remembered most about your favourite teacher?? I'd expect you to describe how she / he made you feel as you learned that subject matter - the sense of excitement or discovery you felt or the safety to take chances and make mistakes or the confidence that you were va...