The story of Abdur-Rahman ibn Awf (R. A)

It is the story of a man who used his great wealth to benefit Islam and did not let his riches enslave him to this world.
Abdur-Rahman ibn Awf was born around 580 CE and lived for about 75 years.  He was born into a family in the Banu Zuhura clan, part of the tribe of Quraish. 
Mother of Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of Allah be upon him, Aminah, was also from this clan thus genealogists tell us that Abdur-Rahman was a fourth cousin to Prophet Muhammad.  
When Abdur-Rahman died he left an inheritance of what would today amount to over six million British pounds, and he is often remembered because of this great wealth. Such a great billionaire he was.
However, although he was a hugely successful businessman, he did not let his wealth control him. 
He followed certain rules in business. Those rules are compacted into three principles of business. Those are,
1. The first principle of his business is cash. He always bought goods on cash and sold on cash. So no credit deals.
2. Never wait for higher profit or never stock things.
3. He always fair in his deals. He never used to hide any fault in his products. If there was a slight fault in his products, He mentioned it Infront of the customer.
Abdur-Rahman was motivated by his love of God, His Messenger Prophet Muhammad, and the religion of Islam, and thus he used his wealth wisely assuring that it would benefit Islam and that God would be pleased with his efforts.
Abdur-Rahman was one of the close companions of Prophet Muhammad and his life story is certainly one worth studying and emulating.  He was one of the first eight people to accept Islam.(Seerah of Muhammad)
He was one of the first five people to embrace Islam at the urging of Abu Bakr, only two days after Abu Bakr himself accepted Islam.  Abdur-Rahman is one of the ten men given the glad tidings of Paradise from Prophet Muhammad himself.(Tirmithi)
And his remarkable character continued to inspire those around him even after Prophet Muhammad’s death. 
He was one of the first three people to pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr when he became the leader of the Muslim nation and one of six people chosen by Umar ibn al-Khattab to be in the shura council to choose the leader after his death.
Abdur-Rahman was soon an extraordinarily wealthy man.  However, he did not let the wealth corrupt him.  Due to his closeness to Prophet Muhammad Abdur-Rahman’s understanding of Islam was very profound.
He was generous to a fault and knew that by giving away his wealth he was pleasing God and multiplying his riches. 
By following the traditions of Prophet Muhammad, he helped people secretly and openly.  He knew his entrepreneurial skills were gifts from God and it made him happy to be able to share his wealth.
He also freed groups of slaves and donated 400 dinars each to the survivors of the Battle of Badr.   
Abdur-Rahman did not neglect his other duties because of his businesses.  He participated in all the battles and skirmishes and was one of the men severely wounded at Uhud, after which he forever walked with a limp(lbid)
The last battle that Prophet Muhammad took part in was at Tabuk and it was there that Abdur-Rahman was given an honor never before bestowed upon anyone else. 
It was the time for prayer and Prophet Muhammad was not there so the believers chose Abdur-Rahman to lead them.  During the prayer Prophet Muhammad arrived and took a position behind Abdur-Rahman. 
After Prophet Muhammad died Abdur-Rahman continued to amass wealth and took it upon himself to look after the Mothers of the Believers (the widows of Prophet Muhammad). He provided for their living expenses, financed their pilgrimages to Mecca and left an orchard worth 400,000 dinars to be distributed amongst them.(Ibid)
At the end of his life, even though he had been given the good news of Paradise, Abdur-Rahman wept worried that he had been given his reward in this life rather than in the next.  
He was a generous and selfless man dedicated to God, The Prophet Muhammad and Islam, and was constantly aware that wealth, not properly utilized, could easily lead to corruption and an eternal downfall. 
He was benevolent and beloved sahabah, because of some following reasons.
When he arrived at Madina, he left all his wealth in Mecca. The prophet partnered him with Saad ibn Al-arabi who offered to split with him his entire wealth and his wives. Abdul Rahman refused and he gave his famous answer, “May Allah bless you in your family and your wealth. I have no need of this. Just direct me to the marketplace". He entered the market with 4 dinars in his pocket, and ended up being the richest man in Madina with huge wealth. It is estimated that when he died, his wealth valued in Gold Coins was three billion one hundred three million Islamic Dinars. When the Prophet (PBUH) was once organizing a military campaign, he made a call for financial support from his companions. Abdur-Rahman (r.a) without any hesitation was one of the first to come forward with help, and he offered 2000 dinars.
On account of this fabulous generosity, Aisha (r.a) said: "May God give him to drink from the water of Salsabil (a spring in Paradise)."
Abdur-rahman’s life is an inspiring story for those they are looking for the eternal happiness. He is a witness that money cannot corrupt or change people who have strong faith.
Truth may take us to The Heaven, but truthful living brings The Heaven to us.


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