DaanUSTAV 2018 - Pooma Educational Trust

Daan Utsav
(formerly known as Joy of Giving Week)
By Azeez  - September 30, 2018

POOMA EDUCATIONAL TRUST is founded on 1st August 2015, by Mr. I. Azeez with the inspiration of Daly felicitus with his like minded students & friends. Since it's inception trust made Joy Of Giving Week it's culture. 

In first year we collected Electronics Waste from Donors and then gave it to  recycling firm. In 2018 we collected Clothes, Utensils, Books etc.materials from donors and donated it to the needy people. We donated clothes to flood affected areas in Kerala.

During 'Daan utsav 2018 we collaborated with Govt School NSS students. We sent warm clothes, bedsheets and clothes to Kerala flood victims through Postal Courier service. Some clothes were donated to the  victims migranted in Tamilnadui staying near senkottai railway tracks in temporary shulters.

We IUEf WhatsApp group members contributed towards Kerala state CM distress relief fund Rs. 22300.

Pooma Educational Trust considers Daan Utsav as the Biggest Charity Festival in India. We understand it's importance and congratulate all the NGOs who organize celebrate this Joy of Giving Week in India.


Dear donors

Please find our activitity of contribution towards the cause for Kerala's natural calamity published in UNO website page with your certificates issued by Pooma Educational Trust for authenticity. One can refer here for genuineness of the certificate issued by the trust. Keep the link safe.


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