The National UN Volunteers - Aims, Objectives and group rules.

2. To connect you to the global UN Volunteers.
3. To share and exchange National and International educational events and activities.
4. To give you awareness of the educational and social happenings and inspire you to take part.
5. To encourage you to share your experiences, activities related to your field concern and to get acknowledged globally.
6. To help you to act locally and think globally.
7. To support you to become the  of members of various global organizations.
8. To help you to learn, to lead and to excel in your field.
9. To honour, appreciate to give and get mutual respect and to maintain healthy relationship with you.
10. To help you to become a good citizen of the country and to involve in nation building.

Here are a few basic small group rules you might consider:
1. Your Introduction.
Group members are required to introduce themselves in the group with their name, designation, location and photo. Ensure your presence in the group is pleasant and informative to others and all are well informed about you so that they may interact with you freely. Confirm your ID cards issued by the group for you to exist in the group. If you are uncomfortable in the group you can exit from the group. Rule breaking members shall be removed from the group without any prior notice.
2. Confidentiality
It’s not just for a journey. But this group is for some meaningful sojourn with you for the cause of Education and humanity. What’s said at group stays at group. No one wants to find out he or she has been the subject of gossip or well-meaning “political, religiouss, regional and cultural discssions.” This is probably the most important ground rule of all.
3. Start on time—and end on time. 
It will be up to you as the leader to guide the group in sticking with this commitment. It’s especially helpful to those who have children at home with babysitters and those with work schedules that are affected by late nights or meetings that run over. Fix your availability in the group between 6am and 10pm
4. Discussion involves everyone. 
To make this work, everyone needs to participate as a listener and as a speaker. It should be understood that when one person is monopolizing the discussion, the leader could say, “Let’s hear from someone else now.” Then, when another person has listened for a long time, the leader might ask, “Memners, do you have any input you’d like to share?”.
5. Remember your manners. 
Avoid dismissing the thoughts of others, don’t laugh at others when they’ve shared (unless they’ve just told a joke), and no putdowns of any kind. These are the actions that make others “shut down” and feel uneasy about sharing. Opening up can be hard enough for some people as it is. Your group should be a welcoming place for all.
6. It’s OK to agree to disagree
It’s just a fact of life that everyone has different opinions. If the group has differing thoughts on an issue, there’s no requirement that everyone agree. After a reasonable time of discussion, the leader or another group member could state that it’s time to leave this point unresolved and move on to another discussion question or activity. No one should have his or her feelings hurt if others don’t share all the same opinions.
7. Floatings.
Promotions for profit in any form is not allowed. Ensure that your floatings are informative, authenticated useful and not floated earlier in the group. Not to share the simple jokes, funny images, cartoons, salutations. You can share your experiences, achievements, activities related to education and social services.
You held responsible for your floatings. This group will not hold any responsibilities for your misfloatings.


  1. I am OK to the rules and regulations

  2. I am OK to the rules and regulations

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I solemnly agree to abide by the constitutional principles and policies of the National Volunteers under the IUEF.

  5. I'm religiously rules & law abiding citizen.🙏


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