Roles and responsibilities of an UN volunteer

ASHA MITTAL, Renowned Educationist, Chandigarh, Punjab, India

Whatever I have been able to learn and understand about the same through
Mr Azeez, our prime mentor and source and some other reliable sources as well, will share with you!

I hope we all will learn from each other today and shall be able to do due justice to the noble jobs assigned to us!

Being a UNO member is something which we all should be proud of, at the same time, it should make us much more humble for being chosen by God for this noble task.

As serving Mankind is serving God!
And only chosen few can do so!
And those few are chosen by God. So, we must take pride in it as well as thank God for the same!

Importance of being a UNO Volunteer:
A UNO Volunteer  can approacht/ Non Govt office even the Heads of the states, country and even the President of India for seeking justice for any victim who might have been subjected to any kind of harm, torture or any in justice. Such is the huge importance being a UNO Volunteer!

UN  Volunteers  are able to analyse and integrate the communication skills efficiently in the  academic institutions, as well as the length of assignment given to them for presenting to upgrade the task given (any task) depends on the requesting entity’s needs. 

UN Volunteers are always alert and try to inspire the students for the future development of our country.
Volunteerism is a powerful means through which we can engage people  in tackling the development plans and challenges worldwide.

UN Volunteer,are the catalyst for a positive change.and also bring in more creativity among our students.

Duties & responsibilities of a UNO Volunteer:
1. To organize or conduct SUPW activities in his city/district/State or the country
2. To ensure that all the above said activities are non-monetary in nature and are organised solely for the welfare and betterment of the society
3. To ensure that no kind of promotions are allowed during the conduct of such activities
4. To ensure that no organization or individual is allowed to make any kind of profit through the same.
5. To ensure that all the precautions have been taken while choosing the beneficiaries and the organizers before organizing any such activity.
6. To ensure that the flag of the UNO is kept high by all means during the conduct of any such activity.

As the voluntary works done under the banner of UNO are highly appreciated and recognised across the world as they are completely selfless, non- monetary and aim at the betterment and the upliftment of the poor and the down trodden!

Areas of services for a UNV:
1. Can teach the under privileged children in the orphanages, slum areas even in some of the Govt schools in remote areas which are short of competent & qualified teachers. Of course, as per their convenience!
2. Can even teach the elderly people in his neighborhood so as to enable them lead independent lives.
3. Can visit the Old Age Homes and spend some quality time with the elderly people to make them comfortable
4. Can visit the  nearby hospitals and can spend some quality time with the patients of chronic diseases to counsel them and to make them happy and comfortable
5. Can visit the Educational institutions as UNO Observer for the conduct of any SUPW activity. As UNO Observer, you can supervise the conduct of the SUPW activities in the Educational institutions so as to motivate, inspire & encourage the students to come forward for these kinds of activities for the betterment of the society. Should obtain the prior permission/consent/invitation from the concerned organization preferably in writing before it's conduct.
6. Can organize blood donation camps, Aids awareness campaigns, Thalesemia awareness campaigns  etc
7. Can organize awareness campaigns about the education of the Girl child.
8. Can organize awareness campaigns against the female foeticide and infanticide.
9. Can organize Campaigns about Road Safety and Traffic Sense.
And so on! The list is endless.

What is required is a compassionate heart to feel the pain, miseries and worries of others and a keen observation to find such people around you and  I am quite sure you can very easily step into the shoes of a UNV and God is there to help, supervise and guide you for the noble task.

As a National UN Volunteers, we
1. Should safeguard his image first and then that of UNO from the money launders and should not allow them to make money under the big name of UNO at any cost.
2.Should be very careful in choosing the activity, it's modus operandi and the Organization/Organizers/ Individuals for it's conduct.
3. Should obtain the prior permission/consent/invitation from the concerned organization preferably in writing before it's conduct.
4. Should be very clear about the Aims & Objectives of the Activity and that it conforms with the principles of UNO.
5. Should be always on the front lines of developmental and humanitarian operations.
6. Should help advance peace and sustainable development either in our own country around us or in another country around the globe Willpower of every individual should be very strong.
7. Should help the people to lead healthier and safer lives and communities to be able to better address present and future challenges.
8. In general, an UN volunteer can work in human rights, primary health care, disaster management, peace building, educational growth  and many other areas.
9. Should not be lured by the personal popularity and should not compromise on the principles of UNO for it.

In return, we will be rewarded with appreciation and the Volunteer will be given an opportunity to change the world for the better while simultaneously honing our own skills, gaining knowledge and a better understanding of the realities of international development and peace building.


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