Letter to my students

Dear Students, 
It is a myth that if you wake up early morning and study then you will have a bright future. It is not. You should choose your own study hours, hours when you feel total focus be it the any time out of the available 24 hours. Although some research reveals that people witness sharp concentration from around 11 pm night to 9 am morning ( maybe because during these time there are no disturbing elements around).Practice meditation. It really helps a lot. Meditation is not only about sitting with your backbone straight, hands on knees and fingers folded. Rather it can also be done just by listening to some music which brings peace to your mind or by taking a walk alone down the silent street; its magical one should definitely try. You can try these when you get exhausted with studies or during study breaks. Fix your place of study so that you can develop connectivity with that place and the next time you will sit there your brain will be convinced that it’s a time to study and nothing else. Believe me it works exactly the way I have said. Try to manage a study table and a chair. Develop the habit of studying in this way. Studying while lying on bed often leads to laziness or sleeping. Keep your laptop, mobile phones away as it distracts you. Remember well 'Success demands Sacrifice'. They are the biggest time killer so be aware and have a check on time and limit its use as much as you can. If you feel disturbed due to some incident or bothering yourself because of any person/bf/gf then slap yourself, yes you heard it right slap yourself harder until you do not realize that your education will be your dearest love and it will be the wealthiest asset you will carry throughout your life. Drink adequate amount of water and keep yourself hydrated. Eat healthy food, avoid junks. If you eat healthy you will feel healthy and it will help you to concentrate. Take this step seriously it really has a role.                 
Keep your eyes and ears fixed on the teacher and listen attentively to what he says. Pleased with your sincerity he too will bestow more attention on you. Be polite and faithful with regard to all teachers. Whatever be the comments passed by other students against teachers, never get perturbed or influenced. However stern a teacher might be, if you behave respectfully, he will be kind and considerate towards you. Some students say,' knowing the personal life of certain teachers, we do not feel like respecting them '. But never try to know personal life of such teachers and hear other's words. Ignore any such distractions but use your wisdom and remember that STUDIES are most important part of your aim and concentrate with undeterred determination. This should be your great understanding to ignore any of the distractions and never deviate yourself from the original target. This attitude will help you in all walks of life.                                 

The most important point is to have a routine. It’s a must. Remember, studying is a serious business. You must have a pre define slot of hours during which your one and only priority should be your studies and nothing else along with small breaks in between. With fix routine (define hours and location of study) you will strengthen your memorizing capability and recalling the leaning ability.
I humbly advise my dear students to practice 3 important virtues:- 

Honesty For students, I’m not just talking about cheating. I’m also talking about being honest when asking for allowances from your parents. Honest to yourself. On the other hand, telling the truth, this must be observed at all times.

Respect - This is not just about showing respect to superiors, teachers, and co-students regardless of color, size, gender, and nationality. Respect is an attitude that has a big contribution in a person’s life. If children don’t have respect for peers, in authority, or themselves, it’s impossible for them to succeed in their dreams in life since this virtue plays a vital role in one’s life. It must be practice at all times especially in dealing different kinds of people.

Obedience - Obedience is a necessary element of life. By the time you step out from your home you have to obey the traffic signs. When you reach your school, you can’t enter the gate without ID because of the “No ID, No Entry” policy. These are just a few examples in obeying rules.  As a student, obedience should be a way of life.

Virtues are very important in a student’s life. People may forget your awards or  if you have been topped in class or not, but they will remember you by your virtues. You can make a difference because good education is not only based on academic achievements, it’s all about character. 

Character plus hard work equals success.     
Children, School is a vibrant centre of learning where you spend long period of your life and gain a lot. Never ever let your institution down. Always respect, love & support your institution.


  1. It's good mam. Though the points are all well known..u have given it in a manner the children can get it. Old wine in a new bottle.

  2. The letter has suggested excellent ways and timings to concentrate on studies by students. I had myself experienced during my studies that 11 pm to 8 am is the best time to concentrate and remember whatever you read.

  3. Very well said mam.

    Every student should read this

  4. Very true "Success demands Sacrifice"
    Loved your article mam!

  5. Excellent article... Very useful for students.

  6. Very Inspiring nd Alarming message my dear Shikha.
    It can help a lot to d Students nd d Parents.
    My Best wishes to you nd all d Students.
    God bless you to Enlighten nd Guide d young Generation.
    Congratulations for doing so well.


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