Student's UN Volunteers team setup in schools

Student's UN Volunteers team setup in schools

Global Schools Program
Global Program | Education

School students go through sustainability education training and service for society, in order to integrate sustainability into their character.

[How to join]:

Serving as an school student for Global events and the United Nations SDSN will equip you with the knowledge of sustainable development, including key roles and responsibilities to serve self, neighbor, needy and society including Education for Sustainable Development, Global Citizenship Education (GCE), and 21st Century Skills.

The program will also equip school students with the tools and live practise to help transform self from ownself. They will serve as official ambassodors and prime servants for our entire earth and serve as local focal Points within schools to continue within learning communities. 

The school volunteers will serve a life term. They will be given access to other training opportunities and webinars during the months schools are on holiday.


At time of applying for this role the candidate should:

• Possess a good command of the English language.
• Age 12 or class VI and above.
• Commit to the vision of the program and comply with the standards and level of professionalism.
• Be able to commit at least 5 hours per week for this role.
• Be absolutely self-driven, accountable and responsible for meeting his/her goals.
• Be self-driven and able to communicate effectively with school leadership and other teammates.

The Global Schools Program is now run as a flagship program in India under Pooma Educational Trust - The National UN Volunteer, focusing on supporting students to develop to global standard.

[The role of schools]:

• Schools can support and provide opportunities to their students to serve self, neighbor, needy and nation.

• School leaders can connect the UN advocates to set up Students' UN Volunteers team in their schools.

• A Requisition letter addressed to the leader for UNV team. Volunteers (Students, teachers and staffs) name list with individual photograph, class need to be attached. 

• Installation programme is done in 4 weeks of time once the team is approved by UNGC.

• UN advoctes give training to students and give a start.

• Every year the school updates the Volunteers and reinstalls.

• No fees or funds accepted/collected in any form and given. All services rendered by students are of inexpensive. [Tap the links given below]


• Global identity as Global events in schools.
• MUN activity
• Character building
• Service certificates
• Visiting UNO
• Global and local student exchange programmes.
• Participating global events in local networks.
• Serving humanity and saving human nature.
• Saving life from lifestyles

Contact: +91 9944313953/UN Volunteers team/Pooma trust.

{Important Links}:

[Roles and responsibilities of Student UNVs]:

[List of inexpensive services]:

[Schools on roll]:


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